Green Economy

The Green Economy concept emerged with the United Nations Initiative launched in 2008 under the United Nations Environment Program (UNEP).
For the United Nations (UNEP) Green Economy is one that results in improved welfare and social equity while simultaneously reducing the risks to the environment and the scarcity of resources.
The green economy focuses on improving human well-being and social equity, reducing the risk of ecological scarcity and environmental problems.
This economic model can provide an increase in the quality of life in the ecological limits of the Earth, allocating economic, social and environmental considerations in a sustainable development.

The green economy can have the following characteristics:

- Respect the environment ecological limits or scarcity;
- Productions with low carbon and low emissions;
- Protection of biodiversity and the ecosystems of the planet;
- Renewable and efficient energy resources.
- Creating more and better jobs and the development of education;
- Poverty reduction;
- Equitable and fair between generations and gender;
- Democratic, participatory, accountable and transparent.
- Boosts innovation and technology transfer;
- Sustaining economic growth and eradicating poverty;
- Added value.

Source:United Nations Economic Commission for Europe













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